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Re: [ESPResSo-users] WARNING: pressure calculated, but MMM2D pressure no

From: Georg Rempfer
Subject: Re: [ESPResSo-users] WARNING: pressure calculated, but MMM2D pressure not implemented
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 19:10:09 +0200

Hello Padidela,

this just means that when you run 'analyze pressure total', the resulting value does not contain the pressure contribution due to the electrostatic interactions. There is nothing wrong with the dynamics of the system, this only influences this calculated observable.

Do you need to know the pressure? I assume it's not a problem in principle to include this contribution in the calculation, but so far no one has implemented the necessary code.


On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 3:39 PM, padidela uday <address@hidden> wrote:

Dear all,

I am trying to implement charged wall constraints in one of my scripts along with the particles between the constraints. But however I land up in few troubles with it.

After equilibrating the system a warning is displayed on screen during sampling

calculating pressure for electrostatics method that does have it implemented
WARNING: pressure calculated, but MMM2D pressure not implemented

Is there something wrong with the code could you help me to handle this?

Thank you for your time

set n_solute 200
set n_solvent 200
set top_wall 100
set bottom_wall 100
set n_wall 200
set n_part [expr ($n_solute + $n_solvent + $top_wall + $bottom_wall)]
set box_l 200
set sig1 2.0
set box_lxy [expr sqrt(2) * $box_l]
set box_lz [expr 0.5*$box_l]

setmd box_l $box_lxy $box_lxy [expr $box_lz +  $sig1]
setmd periodic 1 1 0 

for {set i 0} { $i < 200 } {incr i} {
    set posx [expr $box_lxy*[t_random]]
    set posy [expr $box_lxy*[t_random]]
    set posz [expr $box_lz*[t_random] + $sig1]
    set vx [gauss_random]
    set vy [gauss_random]
    set vz [gauss_random]
    part $i pos $posx $posy $posz type 0 v $vx $vy $vz q -2 mass 1.0

for {set i 200} { $i < 400 } {incr i} {
    set posx [expr $box_lxy*[t_random]]
    set posy [expr $box_lxy*[t_random]]
    set posz [expr $box_lz*[t_random] + $sig1]
    set vx [gauss_random]
    set vy [gauss_random]
    set vz [gauss_random]
    part $i pos $posx $posy $posz type 1 v $vx $vy $vz q 1 mass 1.0

#wall at top
constraint wall normal 0 0  1 dist $sig1 type 2

for {set i 400} { $i < 500 } {incr i} {
    set posx [expr $box_lxy*[t_random]]
    set posy [expr $box_lxy*[t_random]]
    set posz [expr ($box_lz + $sig1)]

    part  [expr $i + $one_wall] pos $posx $posy $posz type 2  q 1

constraint wall normal 0 0 -1 dist [expr -$box_lz - $box_lz] type 2

#wall at bottom

for {set i 500} { $i < 600 } {incr i} {
    set posx [expr $box_lxy*[t_random]]
    set posy [expr $box_lxy*[t_random]]
    set posz [expr ($box_lz - $box_lz)*[t_random]]
    part  [expr $i + $two_wall] pos $posx $posy $posz type 2  q 1

set sigma [expr -0.25*$n_wall/($box_lxy*$box_lxy)]
constraint plate height 0 sigma $sigma
constraint plate height [expr $box_lz + $sig1] sigma $sigma

setmd time_step 0.00002624
setmd skin 0.3
set temp 4.9576
set gamma 1
thermostat langevin $temp $gamma

set sig1 2.0
set sig2 1.15
set sig3 0.3
set eps1 1.0
set eps2 0.7
set eps3 0.5
set cut1 [expr 1.12246*$sig1]
set cut2 [expr 1.12246*$sig2]
set cut3 [expr 1.12246*$sig3]
set shift1 [expr 0.25*$eps3]
set shift2 [expr 0.25*$eps3]
set shift3 [expr 0.25*$eps3]
inter 0 0 lennard-jones $eps3 $sig1 $cut1 $shift1  0 
inter 1 0 lennard-jones $eps3 $sig2 $cut2 $shift2  0 
inter 1 1 lennard-jones $eps3 $sig3 $cut3 $shift3  0 
inter 2 0 lennard-jones $eps3 $sig1 $cut1 $shift1  0
inter 2 1 lennard-jones $eps3 $sig2 $cut2 $shift2  0
#inter 2 2 lennard-jones $eps3 $sig3 $cut3 $shift3  0 

cellsystem layered 3
inter coulomb 1.0 mmm2d 1e-4

if { [regexp "ROTATION" [code_info]] } {
      set deg_free 6
} {
      set deg_free 3

# prepare vmd connection
if { $vmd_output=="yes" } {
   prepare_vmd_connection "vmd"
    imd listen 10000

inter ljforcecap individual
set inter_steps 10000
for {set cap 10} {$cap < 100} {incr  10} {
       set rad [expr 1.0 - 0.5*$cap/10.0]
       set lb [expr 1.0 * $cap / 10.0]
       inter 0 0 lennard-jones $eps3 $sig1 $cut1 $shift1  0  $rad
       inter 1 0 lennard-jones $eps3 $sig2 $cut2 $shift2  0  $rad
       inter 1 1 lennard-jones $eps3 $sig3 $cut3 $shift3  0  $rad
       inter coloumb $lb mmm2d 1e-4
       set temp [expr [analyze energy kinetic]/(($deg_free/2.0)*$n_part)]
    puts "t=[setmd time] E=[analyze energy total] T=$temp"
         if {$vmd_output=="yes"} {imd positions}
    inter ljforcecap $cap;
    integrate $inter_steps
inter ljforcecap 0
inter coulomb 1.0 mmm2d 1e-4

set h [open "" "w"]
set g [open "" "w"]
set n_part [expr ($n_solute + $n_solvent + $top_wall + $bottom_wall)]
for {set i 0} { $i <4000 } {incr i} {
    set temp [expr [analyze energy kinetic]/(($deg_free/2.0)*$n_part)]
        puts $h " $i [setmd time] [analyze energy kinetic] $temp"
        integrate 200

    set f [open "config_$i" "w"]
    blockfile $f write tclvariable {box_lxy box_lz}
    blockfile $f write variable box_l
    blockfile $f write particles {id pos type v f}
    set temp [expr [analyze energy kinetic]/(($deg_free/2.0)*$n_part)]
    puts $f " \ { energy [analyze energy total] $temp}"
    puts $g " [analyze energy kinetic] [analyze pressure total] [analyze energy total] $temp"

    close $f
close $g

With Kind Regards


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