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Re: [ESPResSo-users] boost_mpi not available

From: ICP
Subject: Re: [ESPResSo-users] boost_mpi not available
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 17:24:24 +0100

You can build boost from source if its not available.

Kai Szuttor
Institute for Computational Physics
Universität Stuttgart
Allmandring 3
Room 1.084
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: +49 711 685-67707

On 26. Jan 2018, at 17:10, Andreas Härtel <address@hidden> wrote:

Dear ESPResSo list,
I like to make/compile espresso on the BW nemo cluster, where boost_mpi is not available (cmake always stops with an error). Is it possible to switch MPI off or to work around? I need ESPResSo just as a single core job.
I am using the current development version.
Thanks and best regards,

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