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[ESPResSo-users] writing log and trajectories

From: Raghvendra Singh
Subject: [ESPResSo-users] writing log and trajectories
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2019 13:03:31 +0200 (CEST)

Hello All, 

I am newbie to EspressoMD and in a testing trial phase of it.
I am trying to run a simple LJ simulation with multispecies simulation system.

There is a problem with writing appropriate log and trajectory for my 
I went through the mailing list archive and documentation and still find it 
hard to manage what I want.

this is a script I am using to run the simulation, please help me out with 
getting the appropriate outputs required for further analysis. 
I would to have an output log and a trajectory every 100 step.

Thank you all

import espressomd
import MDAnalysis as mda
from espressomd.visualization_opengl import openGLLive
from espressomd import electrostatics
from import vtf
from espressomd import MDA_ESP
import numpy as np

required_features = ["P3M", "LENNARD_JONES", "MASS"]

box = [200, 200, 200]
system = espressomd.System(box_l=box)

fp=open('trajectory.vtf', mode='w+t')

#visualizer = openGLLive(system, background_color=[1, 1, 1],
                        drag_enabled=True, drag_force=10)

time_step_fs = 1.0
system.time_step = time_step_fs * 1.0e-2 = 1.2

SI_temperature = 300.0
kb_kjmol = 0.0083145
temperature = SI_temperature * kb_kjmol

# COULOMB PREFACTOR (elementary charge)^2 / (4*pi*epsilon_0) in Angstrom *
# kJ/mol
epsilon_r = 4.0
coulomb_prefactor = 1.67101e5 * kb_kjmol / epsilon_r

species = ["Cl", "Na", "C1", "C2","C3","C4","CCP","Solvent"]
types = {"Cl": 0, "Na": 1, "C1": 2,"C2":3,"C3":4,"C4":5,"CCP":6,"Solvent":7}
charges = {"Cl": -1.0, "Na": 1.0, "C1": -6.0, "C2": 0.0, "C3": 0.0, "C4": 
0.0,"CCP":6,"Solvent": 0.0}
lj_sigmas = {"Cl": 3.85, "Na": 2.52, "C1": 10.0, "C2": 10.0, "C3": 10.0, "C4": 
10.0,"CCP":5, "Solvent": 1.5}
lj_epsilons = {"Cl": 192.45, "Na": 17.44,
               "C1": 100.0, "C2": 100.0,
               "C3": 100.0, "C4": 100.0,
               "CCP": 70, "Solvent": 50.0}
lj_cuts = {"Cl": 2.0 * lj_sigmas["Cl"], "Na": 2.0 * lj_sigmas["Na"],
           "C1": 5.0 * lj_sigmas["C1"],"C2": 5.0 * lj_sigmas["C2"],
           "C3": 5.0 * lj_sigmas["C3"],"C4": 5.0 * lj_sigmas["C4"],
           "CCP": 2.5 * lj_sigmas["CCP"],"Solvent": 2.0 * lj_sigmas["Solvent"]}
masses = {"Cl": 35.453, "Na": 22.99, "C1": 100, "C2": 100, "C3": 100, "C4": 
100,"CCP": 50, "Solvent": 18.0}

n_ionpairs = 150
for i in range(n_ionpairs):
    for t in ["Na", "Cl"]:
        system.part.add(pos=box * np.random.random(3),
                        q=charges[t], type=types[t], mass=masses[t])

n_colloids = 150
t = "C1"
t_co = "Cl"
for i in range(n_colloids):
    system.part.add(pos=box * np.random.random(3),
                    q=charges[t], type=types[t], mass=masses[t])
    for i in range(int(abs(charges[t]))):
        system.part.add(pos=box * np.random.random(3),
                        q=charges[t_co], type=types[t_co], mass=masses[t_co])

n_colloids = 150
t = "C2"
t_co = "Na"
for i in range(n_colloids):
    system.part.add(pos=box * np.random.random(3),
                    q=charges[t], type=types[t], mass=masses[t])
    for i in range(int(abs(charges[t]))):
        system.part.add(pos=box * np.random.random(3),
                        q=charges[t_co], type=types[t_co], mass=masses[t_co])

n_colloids = 150
t = "C3"
t_co = "Cl"
for i in range(n_colloids):
    system.part.add(pos=box * np.random.random(3),
                    q=charges[t], type=types[t], mass=masses[t])
    for i in range(int(abs(charges[t]))):
        system.part.add(pos=box * np.random.random(3),
                        q=charges[t_co], type=types[t_co], mass=masses[t_co])

n_colloids = 150
t = "C4"
t_co = "Cl"
for i in range(n_colloids):
    system.part.add(pos=box * np.random.random(3),
                    q=charges[t], type=types[t], mass=masses[t])
    for i in range(int(abs(charges[t]))):
        system.part.add(pos=box * np.random.random(3),
                        q=charges[t_co], type=types[t_co], mass=masses[t_co])

n_colloids = 150
t = "CCP"
t_co = "Na"
for i in range(n_colloids):
    system.part.add(pos=box * np.random.random(3),
                    q=charges[t], type=types[t], mass=masses[t])
    for i in range(int(abs(charges[t]))):
        system.part.add(pos=box * np.random.random(3),
                        q=charges[t_co], type=types[t_co], mass=masses[t_co])

n_solvents = 0
t = "Solvent"
for i in range(n_solvents):
    system.part.add(pos=box * np.random.random(3),
                    q=charges[t], type=types[t], mass=masses[t])

def combination_rule_epsilon(rule, eps1, eps2):
    if rule == "Lorentz":
        return (eps1 * eps2)**0.5
        return ValueError("No combination rule defined")

def combination_rule_sigma(rule, sig1, sig2):
    if rule == "Berthelot":
        return (sig1 + sig2) * 0.5
        return ValueError("No combination rule defined")

# Lennard-Jones interactions parameters
for i in range(len(species)):
    for j in range(i, len(species)):
        s = [species[i], species[j]]
        lj_sig = combination_rule_sigma(
            "Berthelot", lj_sigmas[s[0]], lj_sigmas[s[1]])
        lj_cut = combination_rule_sigma(
            "Berthelot", lj_cuts[s[0]], lj_cuts[s[1]])
        lj_eps = combination_rule_epsilon(
            "Lorentz", lj_epsilons[s[0]], lj_epsilons[s[1]])

            epsilon=lj_eps, sigma=lj_sig, cutoff=lj_cut, shift="auto")

energy =
print("Before Minimization: E_total = {}".format(energy['total']))
system.minimize_energy.init(f_max=1000, gamma=30.0,
                            max_steps=10000, max_displacement=0.01)
energy =
print("After Minimization: E_total = {}".format(energy['total']))

print("Tune p3m")
p3m = electrostatics.P3M(prefactor=coulomb_prefactor, accuracy=1e-1)

system.thermostat.set_langevin(kT=temperature, gamma=2.0)

vtf.writevsf(system, fp, types='all')
vtf.writevcf(system, fp, types='all')
for n in num_steps:
    vtf.writevcf(system, fp)
vtf.writevsf(system, fp, types='all')

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