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[ff3d-users] Stationary Navier-Stokes equations / Flow past cylinder pro

From: Dominique Deloison
Subject: [ff3d-users] Stationary Navier-Stokes equations / Flow past cylinder problem
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 21:50:01 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)


I try to solve the classical problem of the flow past a cylinder at low Reynolds number. This is not the actual problem I am interested in but a good starting point.
I can make two simplifications:
- remove the temporal part (stationary problem),
- suppose the fluid is imcompressive.

The equations are then:

u,v,w are zero on the cylinder surface. There is a global flow motion (in x direction).
The convective part is non linear. So I suppose it is necessary to solve 
this iteratively.
I tried to use the Navier-stokes example but I had problems because it 
is outdated. I tried to rewrite it using the new way to  write the 
"convect" keyword but failed.
I then attempted to write a variational  form but I have to say I am not 
very good at this.
Could somebody give me a hand ?

Many thanks.

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