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[Fle3-users] Zope/FLE Complete Lock Up while reloading customized dtmls

From: Vicky
Subject: [Fle3-users] Zope/FLE Complete Lock Up while reloading customized dtmls
Date: Wed Aug 28 13:31:02 2002

We've been (carefully) customizing the dtml files in the "ui/" folder of our Fle and today while I was reloading the "Webtop/index_html.dtml file", I received an error starting with "longint..."  ("...could not be translated(?)..." unfortunately I don't have more details and now we're locked out) 
During the last reload attempt, I had a time-out problem and hit the Back button of my browser and clicked "Reload DTMLS" again and then I received the error.
Then I tried re-loading the back-up I'd made of the file prior to my changes, but I kept on receiving the error  - I tried a few times and then was locked-out.
Now we can't even access our manage console and receive the IE "server not found error" eventhough the server and the service were running prior to trying to access our Zope and our FLE. Zope and Fle aren't accessible using the IP address either.
The change I made to the file I was uploading was that I removed a height attribute from the table containing students' courses on their webtops. Prior to that I'd reloaded the "fle_html_footer file" (to which I'd added a simple html sentence) and the "standard_error_message" (which I'd customized with our colours and font), both in the  "ui/FLE" folder.
I intentionally created errors to test the error message page, but I was able to access Fle without a problem after that test.
I've made no changes to Python files. I've been working only in the "ui" folder.
Question: Do we have to re-install Zope and Fle or is there a particular file we could re-install or run to retrieve it?
Thanks for any assistance :-)
Best regards,
Vicky Kaelin

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