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Re: [Fle3-users] After upgrading...

From: janne . pietarila
Subject: Re: [Fle3-users] After upgrading...
Date: Tue Sep 10 07:01:02 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 12:59:31PM -0600, David Wiley wrote:
> Everyone,
> My upgrade to 1.3 went very smoothly, but after a day or so of
> functioning, I am now receiving the following error when accessing the
> Knoweldge Building tab:
>   "Error: ValueError
>   list.index(x): x not in list"
> I have determined that this is a Python error, but can't make any more
> progress than this. Every other page in my Fle works excepet Knowledge
> Building. Help! My course is dying and people are waiting!

Did you export your Fle3 instance, and then imported it back after

Can you give a full traceback?

Janne Pietarila

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