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Re: [Fle3-users] Problem with export...

From: Tarmo Toikkanen
Subject: Re: [Fle3-users] Problem with export...
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 16:08:04 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.1i

I've rolled back to 2.5.1 to make things easier. The error Zope throws is:

Traceback (innermost last):
 File /usr/local/Zope2.5.1/lib/python/Products/FLE/ImportExport.py, line
209, in loadZip
 File /usr/local/Zope2.5.1/lib/python2.1/xml/dom/minidom.py, line 915, in
AttributeError: (see above)

Is this still fixed by the patch you posted above?

No, this is something else. You didn't include the actual error
message, but this is a problem with Python's XML parser that tries to
read the XML file contained inside the zip file. Possible causes:
- zip-file contains empty XML file (check for file named fledom.xml
inside the archive)
- XML file has old syntax and can't be parsed (this shouldn't happen,
we've tried to make sure the import procedure is backwards compatible)

The error message might help a bit, but I can't say what the problem
is now. Maybe a mismatch between Zope and Python as a result of your

Tarmo Toikkanen
The Fle3 Team

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