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Re: [Fle3-users] ImportError

From: Tarmo Toikkanen
Subject: Re: [Fle3-users] ImportError
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 11:04:01 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.1i

I'm have error where try import Knowleg Types.
(RedHat 7.3 + Zope 2.6.1 (binary release, python 2.1, linux2-x86) +
xml_libs.tar.gz + FLE 1.4.4)

A common problem: Your python xml library doesn't contain a SAX
parser. Take a look at the archives in fle3-dev, where there are
several solutions to this problem.

Tarmo Toikkanen
The Fle3 Team

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