Hello Sven,
I'm aware that there are rather significant issues with the new version
of FluidSynth. Properly fixing them would require a bit more time
investment than I currently have to offer the project though. The patch
to #79 looks like it would introduce another potential event ordering
issue. It seems to me, that if an ALL_CTRL_OFF event is received,
followed by a control change event, they should be processed in the
order they were received in (how it is now). Having a combination of
queued versus non-queued events, leads to non-deterministic behavior
(the current issue with #65). There is no guarantee as to which order
the events will be processed.
I'd like to fix this soon, but I want to do it properly. I'm not
convinced yet that these two solutions are the proper way. Please
convince me though, if you feel they are, since I haven't researched it
thoroughly. When I have some more time, I'll look into re-designing
FluidSynth, so these queuing issues no longer exist. Hopefully in the
next month or two.
Best regards,
On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 7:45 AM, Sven Meier <address@hidden
<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
Hi Elimar,
first let me thank you for your efforts on Fluidsynth, especially
for the recent migration to Sourceforge.
Please note that issues #79 and #65 are no obscure feature requests
of a few organ enthusiasts but failures to adhere to the Midi
Could you please take a look on
http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/fluidsynth/ticket/79 ?
The attached patch doesn't change the queuing mechanism. Controllers
are just reset immediately, so I don't expect any incompatibility
with QSynth because of this change.
On 06/05/2010 01:20 AM, Elimar Green wrote:
Looking over the mailing list archives, I was able to refresh my
memory as to why I reverted the bank queuing. Programs like
QSynth rely on the notion that querying current bank/program
numbers assigned to channels will reflect the most recently
assigned values. For some reason I opted to revert the queuing
behavior, since it went against the mentioned expectation,
rather than try and have the state machine reflect the most
recent assignment. The right way to fix all this is to re-work
the FluidSynth core thread related code to get rid of queuing
where possible. As has been discussed a little previously
between David and myself, as much of the state machine as
possible should be protected by the synth mutex and queuing used
only to update the synth core, which would then be purely a
voice synthesis engine.
If there is a quick fix though, to resolve the out of order
issues AND also work in regards to returning the latest
bank/program number when queried, I'm all for that. Simply
reverting back to the queued case though, will break QSynth.
On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 3:06 PM, Elimar Green
<address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>
<mailto:address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>>
Ticket reporting on SourceForge is working. I got an
update. Just haven't gotten around to researching why I
originally changed
it from queuing program changes. I'm sure there was some reason
to that, but event ordering issues are obviously not
acceptable. I'll try and get around to reviewing this soon.
Perhaps there was
some mailing list traffic around revision 277 that would clarify
why the queuing got reverted.
On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 2:01 PM, Graham Goode <ggoode.sa
<http://ggoode.sa>@gmail.com <http://gmail.com>
<http://gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Guys,
Sven Meier of the jOrgan project has made some fixes for
1.1.1 (Tickets 65 and 79). We as jOrgan users have his
fluidsynth version but it looks like these have not been
accepted into
the SourceForge repository yet. Is there someone looking
these or
is sourceforge not reporting ticket changes yet?
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