Hi Tom
Thanks for the update, it makes better sense now. fluid_synth_bank_select()
has some nasty by-products:
1) If a selected bank does not exist it (appears to) ignore the command to change bank
and does not give any error. Even outrageously wrong banks such as 200 do not give
an error.
This makes it very difficult for a user to understand what is going on when he changes
banks, (has it or has it not done what it was asked to do -- there is no way of knowing).
Thus it is unsuitable for use in my organ and I have switched back to using
fluid_synth_set_bank_offset() for selecting banks as it behaves better.
I will never be loading more than one sound font at a time.
Best Wishes
From: Tom M. <address@hidden>
To: David Back <address@hidden>
Cc: FluidSynth mailing list <address@hidden>
Sent: Saturday, 30 December 2017, 14:34
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Fluidsynth bank select