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[Francine-dev] scaffolding

From: Rob Bird
Subject: [Francine-dev] scaffolding
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 10:32:56 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird 0.7.2 (Windows/20040707)

HUBBY is arriving tomorrow night, and we will be sleeping in our first new home together! They will jump to saving the life that's in front of them without orders - yet another illuminating difference between our side and theirs.
But there are not many places in the U. WIthout him I woulda been clueless. Men can really be selfish at times.
That sounds like a terrific tactical opportunity to me. Im confused and pissed off.
I mean these people would get drunk then next morning they escort people into the red zone.
Needless to say the door of the kitchen had to come out, as well as the fridge's doors so it can fit inside.
I couldnt believe it that they were under no supervision. Yes phonecalls like these happen everyday.
Im glad that Richard Engel wrote about it. If it is, though, the US commander should look also at interdicting boat traffic on the Euphrates - which is where some of the ordnance and IED planters may be coming from. Not only that but they have guns in their possession.
That Sullivan even tries to do so evinces a moral dysfunction bordering on degeneracy. But nevertheless, an experience Im learning quite alot from. He always joked around with them and helped them out. They get drunk and next morning theyre supposed to protect those who they are escorting into the danger zone. Rumors can be fun, rumors can bring hope and sometimes rumors make you get prepared to face the incoming unknown.
WIthout him I woulda been clueless.
Who infact was promoted end of last year to a Colonel.
And we hate ourselves. Once to go to the commercial side of Baghdad airport and the other time was the last time out of the Green Zone. Who infact was promoted end of last year to a Colonel. They are the ones that take us out in convoys etc.

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