On Thu, 19 Aug 2004, Jeffrey D. Oldham wrote:
Richard Guenther wrote:
This patch corrects hyperrefs of the html documents inside docs/ and
does some minor improvements (just as I came along).
2004Aug19 Richard Guenther <address@hidden>
* docs/introduction.html: fix references to POOMA homepage
and mailinglist.
docs/legal.html: likewise.
docs/reading.html: remove defunct links.
docs/tut-02.html: minor corrections.
docs/tut-04.html: likewise.
Yes, please commit this good improvements. After you commit these
changes, we should probably use the W3C link checker and HTML validity
Hum. The documents seem to be not in a good shape wrt conformance. But I
can easily run them through HTML Tidy - manually fixing them will take
too much time.
Would this be ok?