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RE: [FR-devel] FreeRIDE Status Update

From: NISHIO Mizuho
Subject: RE: [FR-devel] FreeRIDE Status Update
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2002 22:14:56 +0900
User-agent: Wanderlust/1.1.0 (Overjoyed) SEMI/1.13.5 (Meih ō) FLIM/1.13.2 (Kasanui) Emacs/20.4 (i386-*-windows98.1998) MULE/4.1 (AOI) Meadow/1.10 (TSUYU)

At Mon, 1 Apr 2002 23:24:27 -0800,
Curt Hibbs <address@hidden> wrote:
> Over the years I have used a *lot* of different IDEs. But there is one that
> is way ahead of the others when it comes to high-end source code navigation,
> refactoring, and code-assist features: IntelliJ IDEA. In the past, I have
> suggested (on this ML) that we could simply use IntelliJ IDEA as a model for
> the type of high-end features to implement in FreeRIDE.
> I would like to suggest that you download and play around with IntelliJ
> IDEA, and then think about what kind of capabilities we would need in your
> parser to implement these features in FreeRIDE. You can find it at:
> and in a private email I will send you the registration code for my copy so
> you can look at the full version without limitations (I am not currently
> using it, so I don't see any problem with you temporarily using my
> registration code for research purposes).
> Curt
Thank you. 
But I think it is illegal for me to use your registration key.
I am going to use the evaluation version of IntelliJ IDEA.

Now, I am reading the source of BicycleRepairMan, which is  
Python's refactoring tool. Though its quality is not high,
I learn many things from it. (And if possible, I will try 
Smalltalk refactoring browser, too)

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