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Re: [Freetype] Truetype 1 to Freetype 2

From: Olivier Couet
Subject: Re: [Freetype] Truetype 1 to Freetype 2
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2002 10:03:31 +0200 (CEST)

 Hi Werner,

 Thanks for the reply.

> Perhaps it is easiest to compare ftview.c from FT1 and FT2.

 That is a good idea. I will try. Are you aware of some people having done
a such thing before ?
> We aren't a newsgroup but a mailing list.  Getting no answer means
> either that nobody is at home currently or that none can help you
> immediately.  It doesn't mean we ignore you.

 Sorry I didn't know. As I was getting no answer I was wondering if my
emails were correctly send to the mailing list. The fact you answered me
proved they are ! :-) Thanks again ! 

 Cheers,        Olivier

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