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Re: Debugging Freetype Exception in PDFium WASM Build

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: Debugging Freetype Exception in PDFium WASM Build
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 08:35:26 +0000 (UTC)

> I am building a debug standalone PDFium WASM build to work outside of
> browers using  [...]
> I'm able to render most text but I occasionally run into the
> following stacktrace but I can't tell what could cause this to fail.
> I have included 2 PDFs where this fails.

To check whether the problem is related to FreeType – no idea about
the WASM translation of it, though – you could the following.

* Compile current git of FreeType in debug mode (for example, by doing
  `make devel`; see `docs/DEBUG` for more).
* Do the same for the FreeType demo programs.
* Extract the font(s) from the PDFs and check them, say, with the
  `ftview` demo program to find out whether there are issues.  You
  might add `FT2_DEBUG=any:7` to the environment to activate debug

If you encounter problems please report again.


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