I use freetype2 to retrieve the bitmap data embedded in the font,
In the "simsun.ttf" font, some characters can be obtained while others cannot.
Use "FontForge" software to view that these characters all contain bitmap data.
for example:
characters "¤", its Unicode is 0x00A4,The bitmap data obtained
using freetype2 is consistent with the bitmap data viewed using FontForge software.
As shown in the following figure.
But, characters "A", its Unicode is 0x0041,Freetype2 cannot
obtain bitmap data. But using FontForge software, it can be seen that there is bitmap data.
As shown in the following figure.
My test code:
int ft_error;
FT_Select_Size(face, 4);
ft_error = FT_Load_Char(face, 0x00A4, FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_SBITS_ONLY |
ft_error is 0;
ft_error = FT_Load_Char(face, 0x0041, FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_SBITS_ONLY |
ft_error is 6;
I found that the error occurred in tt_stit_decoder_load_image
function and returns NoBitmap.
But use "FontForge" software open the "simsun.ttf" and view characters "A",We
can see that it has bitmap data.
I don't know if this is a bug or some other reason, I hope to get your
help,Thank you.
My freetype2 version is V2.13.0, and the attachment is the "simsun. ttf" font.