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Re: [Fsfe-france] GPL v3

From: Alexandre Dulaunoy
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-france] GPL v3
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 11:24:24 +0200 (CEST)

On 28 Apr 2003, Antoine wrote:

> >     guillaume> * la fsf ne veut pas sur ses sites de logiciels en v2;
> > 
> > Peux-tu me donner stp une référence sur ce point ?
> http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/savannah-hackers/2002-01/msg00557.html
> « You are not doing anything wrong by restricting to version 2 only of the
> GPL, and your software continues to be free software. However, the FSF
> doesn't want to accept that license in its hosts because it would be
> compatible with GPL v2, but wouldn't be compatible with the next
> version. And this is something that the FSF wants to discourage.  If you
> want to host your project in Savannah, you should change your license
> and either accept "GNU General Public License V2 or later" or any of the
> other GPL-compatible licenses and then register your project again.

Oui mais le cadre est ici savannah. Il faut lire le guideline pour les
projets non-gnu & gnu hosté sur savannah. Peut-être demander à Loïc ? 

--                   Alexandre Dulaunoy (adulau) -- http://www.foo.be/
--         http://pgp.ael.be:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x44E6CBCD
--         "Knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance
--                                that we can solve them" Isaac Asimov

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