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[Fsfe-portugal] address@hidden: "OpenSource" funding in EU?]

From: rms
Subject: [Fsfe-portugal] address@hidden: "OpenSource" funding in EU?]
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 20:58:06 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

----- Forwarded message from Jim Thompson <address@hidden> -----

Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 11:24:55 -0500
From: Jim Thompson <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: "OpenSource" funding in EU?
X-Mailer: VM 6.90 under 21.1 (patch 14) "Cuyahoga Valley" XEmacs Lucid

The European Parliament report on Echelon is (leaking?) out all over.
See:  http://cryptome.org/echelon-ep.htm
One of its recommentdations reads:

- The Commission and Member States are asked to devise appropriate
  measures to promote, develop and manufacture European encryption
  technology and software and above all to support projects aimed at
  developing user-friendly open-source encryption software.

- Both the European institutions and the public administrations of the
  Member States are called upon systematically to encrypt e-mails so
  that ultimately encryption becomes the norm.

I know this isn't coderpunks/cypherpunks, but it would appear that the
EU (and its member states) may be willing to fund the development of
programs like GnuPG.

Yes, I know the difference between 'open' and 'free'.  I'm using the
language of the report in the Subject line.  

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