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Re: [Fsfe-uk] APIG inital report

From: MJ Ray
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] APIG inital report
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 17:02:16 +0000

Alex Hudson <address@hidden>
> This will be a little short - I know others who went took good notes, as
> I did, and we weren't told we were under Chatham House or anything, so
> I'm assuming the lengthier stuff is fine to publish.

Thanks for the report. Interesting stuff indeed. I've heard that
APIG will be visiting the US Congress to see the US DRM lovefest
and the Internet Caucus. Did you get any indication about that?

> [...] Currently, I have no idea how this fits into the
> grand scheme of things vis-a-vis Gowers. [...]

I suspect Gowers will be different but watching this.

> The politicians sitting were remarkably well-informed, btw - I actually
> have some high expectations of this report.

It does sound like my worst fears (capture by foreign pro-DRM
corporations) may not be realised, but I'll wait and see.

> In hindsight, the AFFS submission would have been completely different.
> I still don't think we would have been called, but I think I've learned
> some lessons which I'll share in more detail later - [...]

I look forward to those. I'm shooting in the dark, too.

> thankfully, the pro-people all seemed to be pretty awful and whoever
> kidnapped the music industry people and replaced them with hippies
> really saved our bacon.

As far as I could tell when I worked in a radio station, or later
working next door to one, or later working in some gig venue offices,
the music industry has always been an uneasy mix of suits and hippies.
It really is an interesting area: I think we could get a lot of support
by using the idea of "remixing" for all types of software.

Thanks and best wishes,
MJ Ray - personal email, see http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html
Work: http://www.ttllp.co.uk/  irc.oftc.net/slef  Jabber/SIP ask

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