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Re: [Fsfe-uk] AFFS still active?

From: Martin Wheeler
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] AFFS still active?
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 22:49:50 +0000 (GMT)

On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, Martyn wrote:

>  I would point out that
> outskirts (Bristol, Bath et al) are FAR more difficult to get /to/ from
> outside of London.

I'm not sure this is always true; depends on where you start from, and
whether you're trying to go cross-country or not.

> I don't drive either, so I'd like to suggest that meetings be held near
> transport hubs.... that means Kings Cross I guess, Manchester Picadilly,
> Leeds, York, Birmingham etc.  I don't actually know of many hubs down south
> but those are the ones I go through on long journeys.

I'd agree with you here -- what's wrong with Oxford and York as suitable
places to meet?

>  I'm sure we have scottish people onlist
> or at least on side, I can't imagine any of them making a four hour journey to
> London for 8pm.

I used to live west of Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye (one-and-a-half hours
from Kyle; eight hours from Glasgow; eighteen hours from London).
It always amazed me how the pillocks in London used to say: Just jump on a
train and come down, will you? -- with absolutely NO concept at all of
what that involved.  (E.g. night sleeper ticket costs of £152 per person;
at a time when you could fly to New York for £99.)
I'm sure this attitude still obtains.
Martin Wheeler   -   00 44 1458 83-1103    Glastonbury - BA6 9PH - England
address@hidden   http://avalonit.net/   http://martinwheeler.net/
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