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Re: [Fsfe-uk] New FSFE Free PDF Readers Campaign

From: Rob Myers
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] New FSFE Free PDF Readers Campaign
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 12:47:21 +0100
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On 09/16/2010 12:16 PM, Jon Grant wrote:

I doubt it. This is the central problem with supporting someone else's
evolving standard. FSF has made all the same problems/mistakes
supporting Adobe Flash format with their Gnash. Shame they didn't give
HTML5, video, audio tags and Ogg Theora such importance. This is why

Gnash is a GNU project and so is supported by the FSF. HTML 5 and Ogg Theora aren't and so aren't. The FSF does support Ogg through Defective By Design and PlayOgg, though.

Flash and also Silverlight has done so well. FSF needs to take the
lead with vendor neutral standards rather than trying to reverse
engineer other companies formats.

Gnash still stop priority: http://www.fsf.org/campaigns/priority-projects/

It is *a* top priority project, yes. A free PDF reader is above it in the list.

Gnash is a successful project that helps free people from one of the last pieces of proprietary software that people feel they cannot live without. This makes it highly relevant to most people's daily experience of computing, especially younger computer users.

Obviously Reversible GDB debugging is top priority, not.  Sorry for
being cynical, at least FSFE is more relevant.

GDB isn't in desperate need of funding as far as I am aware. Gnash is. That's why it's a priority project.

I'm certain 10 years from now FSF focus will still be on things like
BIOS and Adobe's latest proprietary format, missing the web

10 years from now the FSF will still be focussing on the freedom of computer users. A free BIOS means they will be able to do so with entirely free systems.

completely, the biggest area of software they have no priorities
within, oops! Is there anyone more in tune with modern software who

That is not correct:


- Rob.

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