Hi all,
Attached you can find the Spanish translation of the
November FSF bulletin ready to be published.
Thanks to all who participated in the translation, special
thanks to "Eulalio" who has been contributing a lot during the
last months!!! 🙏😎
Apologies for the delay to send the final version, I have
been a little bit busy!!!
Hi Guys
the pad document to start the Spanish translation is ready:
sorry for the delay, Zoe Kooyman, from the FSF, had sent me
the MD file
and I did not see it ..😭😭
additionally, some information from the FSF:
From: Zoë Kooyman <zoe@fsf.org>
Dear Spanish translation team ,
I wasn't sure if we send you the markdown or if you pick up
on the RSS
but I figured I would just be sure, and then I thought i
would take the
opportunity to ask you some further questions about
If I understand correctly, you only translate the supporter
and the
appeal page (when it comes and you have time -- which will
be some time
in November as well, so let me know )
We've been getting in some translations and we would like to
that, but often they need a double check to confirm, and
besides that,
we have also identified some pages that we would like to
make available
in more languages on fsf.org.
We've been thinking of doing an open call for more
translators when the
next Outreach Coordinator starts, because as I understood
from Dana you
already have quite a bit on your plate. When we do get
however, we can then either introduce them to you, or we can
set up a
team for fsf.org pages
separately to work on our wishlist, and I just
wanted to hear your thoughts.
I would still like for you to continue the translations for
Supporter and appeal page no matter what, I don't want to
change any
ways of working but if we can, potentially we can add to it.
Attached the November Supporter
Zoë Kooyman // Program Manager
Free Software Foundation