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Re: [FSF] 2023 December FSS for [es] translation

From: isf
Subject: Re: [FSF] 2023 December FSS for [es] translation
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2023 13:52:24 -0300
User-agent: Icedove Mail

En 26/12/2023 17:33, Devin Ulibarri escribió:
> Hi,
> On 12/21/23 19:15, Alirio wrote:
>> Attached you can find the final version of the Spanish translation
>> of the FSF December bulletin
>> Thanks to all who participated with the translation
> Thank you again.
> It is now published here: 
> https://www.fsf.org/free-software-supporter/2023/diciembre
> ...and it was sent to people subscribed to the Spanish FSS mailing
> list.
> Thank you, happy hacking, and happy holidays,
> Devin

Please, dont accept a translation without a revision, the latest
translation have CRITICAL errors.

The translation says "software propietario" when it should say "software
privativo", making readers think that free software goes against the
private property of users.
Distribuidor de software libre en Liberty Software, organizador de LP
Temuco y miembro de la Free Software Foundation.

Sitio web: https://isf.neocities.org

Por favor no envíe documentos de Microsoft Office/Apple iWorks. ¡En su
lugar envíelos en OpenDocument!

Sin cifrado *nuestras comunicaciones están expuestas* a su proveedor de
correo electrónico, proveedor de Internet, a su gobierno y
organizaciones de vigilancia masiva. Por lo tanto es imperativo que
comiences a cifrar y descifrar correos electrónicos.

¿Quieres aprender a cifrar tus comunicaciones?

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