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Re: [FSF] [gnu.org #2106624] I have created a work that could contribute

From: isf
Subject: Re: [FSF] [gnu.org #2106624] I have created a work that could contribute to add a translation
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 11:41:21 -0300
User-agent: Icedove Mail

El 30/9/2024 a las 11:16, Carlos Izquierdo via RT escribió:
> Hi Jordán,
> I have a couple of suggestions in the attached Markdown file and diff, but
> I think they are very minor so feel free to accept them or go ahead with
> the original text, which IMO was good enough already.
> Also, it's my first time contributing here so let me know if having a zip
> with the LICENSE included is mandatory, or if I should attach replies
> uncompressed for easy visualization.
> Regards.

Greetings and thanks for your first contribution, I was reading the
changes you wanted to make, and they seem fine to me. I think they are
useful changes. I will apply the changes and upload the file adding your
modification and attributing your authorship. Since the translation is a
licensed work.

With the exception of the word "calificar", we will continue to use
cualificar since it means "To give someone or something the necessary or
appropriate qualities." <https://dle.rae.es/cualificar>.

Below I attach a file with the modification provided by Carlos, the
files were reviewed and it is ready to be published.
Asociado a la Free Software Foundation y defensor del software libre

Hazte cargo y defiende tu privacidad en línea

Attachment: High Priority Free Software Projects.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: OpenPGP_signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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