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Re: [Gchemutils-main] The Gnome Chemistry Utils 0.9.6

From: Jean Bréfort
Subject: Re: [Gchemutils-main] The Gnome Chemistry Utils 0.9.6
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 13:33:53 +0200

Le mardi 26 août 2008 à 12:49 +0200, Julian Sikorski a écrit :
> Jean Bréfort pisze:
> > Le mardi 26 août 2008 à 00:25 +0200, Julian Sikorski a écrit :
> >> Jean Bréfort pisze:
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> I just released 0.9.6 (0.9.5 was buggy and not announced). Main news
> >>> are:
> >>>
> >>> GChemPaint:
> >>>   * enhanced cdx and cdxml files import. [#21112]
> >>>   * enhanced atoms and bonds drawing (no more a white rectangles
> >>>   under the atom symbol to hide bonds).
> >>> GSpectrum:
> >>>   * the varables can now be changed in some instances, as variance
> >>>   to transmittance or vice versa.
> >>> Other:
> >>>   * removed as much gnome-vfs code as possible and replaced it
> >>>   by gio/gvfs calls.
> >>>   * enhanced build system.
> >>>
> >>> Sources are availbale from the usual place:
> >>> http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/gchemutils/0.9/gnome-chemistry-utils-0.9.6.tar.bz2
> >>> http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/gchemutils/0.9/gnome-chemistry-utils-0.9.6.tar.gz
> >>>
> >>> Note that to compile this version, you'll need the svn trunk version of
> >>> libgsf until a new libgsf release is available (planned for "soon").
> >>>
> >>> Now, what's next? There are enough new features to make a new stable
> >>> release, even if I could not implement all I would have liked to. So,
> >>> next release will be 0.9.90, the last blocking thing being the libgsf
> >>> release, which I hope for september. Then 0.10.0 as soon as possible.
> >>> Documentations and translations need to be updated before. The new build
> >>> system being dapted to both development and stable versions, I'll create
> >>> the 0.10 branch only after 0.10.0 release, so that changes that would be
> >>> made during the betas in the code, documentation or translations will
> >>> not have to be reimplemnted in 0.12.
> >>>
> >>> The main change planned for 0.12 will be a new canvas for GChemPaint.
> >>> GnomeCanvas is unmaintained and (almost) deprecated, and no other
> >>> available canvas presents the needed feature and/or any certainty about
> >>> maintainance, even in the short term, so I decided to write a special
> >>> canvas with just the needed features (but all of them). The tests I made
> >>> so far are quite promising.
> >>>
> >>> Best regards,
> >>> Jean
> >> I have noticed that the translation from stable branch was merged, I'll
> >> start working on its update as soon as possible. The good news is that I
> >> took protein crystallography course last semester so I might even be
> >> able to translate the gcrystal part.
> >> Would you be willing to give me the svn access so that I could do that
> >> incrementally without the need to spam you with mail? I promise not to
> >> touch anything apart from po/pl.po. If not, I understand, and I could
> >> email you the updated .po files as before.
> > 
> > Of course. The procedure is to open a savannah account if you don't
> > already have one and request access to gchemutils.
> > 
> OK, now that I am approved I will be able to commit to svn once savannah
> starts to recognise my ssh key. I have one question left: are you using
> some kind of tool to update po/ChangeLog? Or are you doing this by hand?
> I wouldn't like to create a mess in your source tree.

Just running "intltool-update $LANG" (replacing $LANG by what
appropriate) or "make intltool-udate" when I need an update for all


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