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[Gcl-devel] Re: Performance complaint from a user

From: Juho Snellman
Subject: [Gcl-devel] Re: Performance complaint from a user
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 20:48:17 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: slrn/ (Linux)

<address@hidden> wrote:
> We may be able to address the non-null lexical environment if it is
> deemed important.  But the remaining issues if any appear inaccessible
> as the author states he is not publishing the test code.  Why not?  

I'm not making the code public, since ITA is using these puzzles as a
sort of job application filter. It seems a bit impolite to start
publishing solutions to them. I'll be happy to email a copy to you
if you want (Paul already has one).

Apparently I should've added bigger disclaimers to the blog posting. 
This really was NOT intended as a grand Common Lisp benchmark. It was
just intended to show that writing an efficient Lisp program that's
portable doesn't neccessarily result in a Lisp program that's portably
efficient. Often the reasons for it being slow are non-obvious, like
with the lexenv issue that slowed GCL by a factor of 15 on this code.

Also, Paul's message might've been a bit misleading. I'm not really
complaining about performance (I'm already happy with the performance
on one Lisp), not really a GCL user (I just have recent versions of
most Lisps installed for other reasons), and this really is in no way
an important program (just a way to spend an evening doing something
more fun than writing the thesis). So I'm probably about the worst
possible "customer" :-)

With that out of the way, and for what little it's worth, these are
the performance-related issues I've had during my to date brief
acquaintance with GCL:

 * The non-null lexenv problem. (LET ((...)) (DEFUN ...)) might be
   slightly eccentric CL style, but that's how I like to write
   variables that aren't really global. In my experience toplevel
   MACROLETs that expand to DEFUNs are much less eccentric, and the
   same performance issue applied to them too. As far as I can see, no
   other CL implementation suffers from this.
 * You already noticed my other post about SXHASH on fixnums, so I
   won't go into much detail there. IMHO some amount of mixing should
   be done for all hashing. If you use a hash that's too good, you
   lose a tiny fraction of performance over the whole system. If you
   use a bad hash, some other bozo like me is going to come along and
   have his linear algorithm transformed to a quadratic one.
 * Speaking of hashes, GCL probably doesn't optimally compile the
   hash function in the blog post. It could probably be fixed by 
   sprinkling some magic (THE FIXNUM ...) pixie dust into the code.
   Unfortunately I think that would cause undefined behaviour, and
   thus be against the self-imposed restriction of portability. SBCL
   compiles the function efficiently (it could be rewritten to be
   more efficient and remain portable, but then it would be even more
   unlikely to be efficient on other Lisps).
 * I said "probably doesn't optimally compile". As far as I can tell, 
   GCL gives no information about when it's going forced to use
   generic operations instead of something efficient. NIL. SBCL and
   CMUCL are very chatty about this. Some people are annoyed by this.
   I think the compiler notes are great. Either way it means that when
   porting code to SBCL it's easy to see where to add those crucial
   few declarations to speed the code up, while with GCL I find it
   nearly impossible. DISASSEMBLE seems to always return NIL, and thus
   can't be used for checking whether all the generic ops got optimized

> To
> this end, perhaps sbcl is a better reference system than cmucl -- I've
> never really understood why there are too different projects here.

Why do both ECL and GCL exist? Likewise SBCL and CMUCL have different
goals and codebases that are beyond reconciliation.

Juho Snellman

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