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Re: [Maxima-discuss] Careful arithmetic ... was Re: +-Inf and NaN

From: Raymond Toy
Subject: Re: [Maxima-discuss] Careful arithmetic ... was Re: +-Inf and NaN
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 12:20:32 -0800

On Sun, Mar 3, 2024 at 6:05 PM Richard Fateman <fateman@gmail.com> wrote:
If we know how to extract and re-pack stuff into a NaN,  we can 
elaborate on something like this.  (in SBCL Maxima)

  ... where I have defined cexpt for "careful expt" ...

(%i2) cexpt(2.0,1000000);

#<FLOATING-POINT-OVERFLOW{10038EB283}>   /* a printed message */ 

(%o2) 2.0^1000000   

 /* see the result, but internally it is...  ((MEXPT SIMP #<FLOATING-POINT-OVERFLOW{10038EB283}>) 2.0 1000000)  */

Here is the lisp definition of cexpt

(defun $cexpt (x y); careful expt
  (catch 'float-catch  (handler-bind
                    (print c)  ;; just for debugging ...
                    (throw 'float-catch  `((mexpt simp ,c) ,x  ,y)))))
              (expt x y))))

HOWEVER, running this example in SBCL sets some flags so that it 
doesn't work a second time, returning instead #.SB-EXT:DOUBLE-FLOAT-POSITIVE-INFINITY
Suggestions from SBCL fans?
This works fine with cmucl.  I can do two calls to cexpt and get the same overflow result each time.

(to be specific, there are 2 areas )
1. how to pack a pointer to, say,  the result 2.0^1000000 into a NaN.
    so cexpt will then return that NaN as its result...

Can't say for sbcl, but cmucl has kernel:make-double-float that takes a (signed-byte 32) and an (unsigned-byte 32).  The signed-byte is the upper 32 bits of a double-float and the unsigned-byte is the lower 32 bits. kernel:double-float-bits returns these two values when given a double-float.

I would assume sbcl has the same functions but maybe in a different package and with perhaps a different signature.

IIRC, x64 has 64-bits of address, but only 44 (?) are used.  There's a hole in the middle somewhere so that the low(er) addresses are valid but also the high(er) addresses (0xffffffffffffffff) are valid.  You'll have to take that into account if you're stuffing random pointers into a NaN.  If your pointers are in the heap, then there should probably be more than enough space in a double-float to hold the pointer.

This is going to fail when GC happens and moves the pointed to object to a new location.  You'll have to figure out how to keep them in sync.  Maybe a scavenger-hook available on some systems like cmucl?

2. fix sbcl flags so that the handler still works after the first floating-point error..

The idea then is to make "careful" versions of all floating-point arithmetic,
include sin/cos/tan. 

Instead of using NaNs, in Maxima
we can also intercept the float errors and put in our
own symbolic Maxima names like inf, minf, und,  
I think this would be way easier and GC won't get in the way when things move.

or perhaps we can  return intervals.
(I'm not entirely in agreement with this abuse of 'intervals', but
Mathematica says Sin[Infinity] is Interval[{-1,1}] .
Of course then you need to be able to compute Sin[Interval[...]]   )


On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 11:14 AM Richard Fateman <fateman@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes for your 2nd and 3rd points.  I was thinking something like...
m[1,2]: x$

where the vast majority of operations could be done with floats, full speed.
Only 4 entries are non-numbers...

[1, 2*x, eps*x, 0],
[0, 1, 2*eps, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]

This kind of approach could be used to establish how some small parameter like eps
might enter into the algorithm that has been in use for purely numeric calcs.

On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 10:58 AM Stavros Macrakis <macrakis@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm not sure I see the point of encoding symbols into NaN payloads.
When would you want to do this?
  • If it is mostly a symbolic calculation, this seems like a very roundabout way of invoking simplification (doesn't trap handling have a much higher overhead than a procedure call?).
  • If it is mostly a numerical calculation, do you expect that only a small proportion of numbers will become symbolic if (say) just one of the inputs is made symbolic? Or will most of them sooner or later become symbolic by contagion?
  • I suppose that you could use this approach to replace float64 with bfloat. The overhead would be high, but it might be useful for seeing the effect of higher precision on the calculation.
How many numerical algorithms lend themselves to this approach? Anything with iterative convergence presumably will fail, for example.

On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 1:39 PM Richard Fateman <fateman@gmail.com> wrote:
Years (decades?) ago I gave up on clever use of NaNs combined with speed.  If trapping
is enabled, but an exception sends the processor into some painful handler, that's
still a prospect for diagnostics. Presumably the handler is given some return address
and maybe some other bits, and this info could be stuffed into some payload of the
NaN's mantissa.  I have not seen it done.
One prospect that I think I've mentioned is that one could encode a computer
algebra system into a NaN-based framework.  Floating-point numbers are whatever
numbers they represent. A NaN is a pointer into a table that says.. this NaN is the
symbol X,   or perhaps a Lisp S-_expression_.  The trap handling would call a simplifier
program when the operation is ADD of two NaNs representing X and Y, to make a
new NaN pointing to X+Y.   etc.
It seems to me this would be a fun project, but I have not studied current facilities, and
probably higher-level language support for this is lacking. But maybe this is an opportunity
for Lisp.

On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 9:51 AM Henry Baker <hbaker1@pipeline.com> wrote:

Re: use the mantissa of a NaN for storing info


Great idea, but doesn't work in practice.


The reason?


The stuff you might want to store in the mantissa isn't normally available to the FP HW,

so you would normally consider trapping.  But as I found to my consternation, trapping

NaN's doesn't work/is useless, so you end up with an if-then-else _expression_ instead of

a simple HW FP op.  You've now lost most -- if not all -- of your HW FP performance.


Part of the problem is that someone needed to do at least one PhD thesis on what sorts

of things one might want to store in said mantissa, but to my knowledge, no such PhD

thesis was ever written.  There's not much point in optimizing HW for some task that's

never been researched before in SW.


Re: uninitialized/missing data:


Flagging uninitialized data might be about the *only* useful use for trapping NaN's.


Missing data flags probably want to propagate transitively w/o trapping -- e.g., what

happens in spreadsheets when some entry is blank.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Fateman <fateman@gmail.com>
Sent: Feb 28, 2024 8:11 AM
To: Camm Maguire <camm@maguirefamily.org>
Cc: Stavros Macrakis <macrakis@gmail.com>, <maxima-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net>, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier@gmail.com>, <gcl-devel@gnu.org>
Subject: Re: [Maxima-discuss] +-Inf and NaN


Not sure about most users.  You can read my old article about IEEE 754 and programming languages.  
At least the intent for NaNs was that they would propagate through a computation and
emerge only if relevant. At least under some conditions.
I personally have no realistic use cases for using traps for numerics, or for propagating NaNs,
but I'm not a professional error analyst; few if any Lisp programmers are... (Ray?)
If all that is being questioned is the default enabling of trapping, it doesn't seem much
of an issue.
  It would be nice to see if we can (say) fill an "uninitialized" float array by
initializing it with NaNs, or use the mantissa of a NaN for storing info.

On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 5:44 AM Camm Maguire <camm@maguirefamily.org> wrote:

Raymond Toy <toy.raymond@gmail.com> writes:

> On Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 5:28 AM Camm Maguire <camm@maguirefamily.org> wrote:
>  Greetings, and thanks to all for the very helpful feedback!
>  I'd also like to note in passing that the excellent SBCL out of the box
>  triggers an error, which we separately refer to as an 'exception trap',
>  when NaN is passed to the comparison functions, e.g. '=.  And low and
>  behold, gcl does the same when 'trapping' is turned on, but gcl turns
>  trapping off 'out of the box'.  NaN does not trigger an exception nor
> I hope you will consider changing the default to trap on invalid
> operations so that instead of returning NaN, an error is signaled.  I
> certainly hate this behaviour, because after you do a long set of
> numerical computations, all the results are NaN.  I've just wasted a
> whole bunch of time.  This is super-annying in _javascript_ where you
> don't have an option of disabling traps.  Now you get to go through
> all the code and either put prints or checks for NaN to see what
> caused it.  What a colossal waste of time when the computer could have
> told me.

This is good to hear, as I was of the opposite impression that most
users wanted NaNs to propagate freely.

>  error when passed to '+,'*,'cos etc. but returns NaN.  This is the
>  current state of play.  What follows is a discussion of what it means
>  and the best way to fit NaN into the common-lisp type lattice so it does
>  not get in the way of the compiler.
>  In summary, NaN seems indistinguishable to me from an ignorable error
>  indicator at the hardware level.  It is not conceptually a 'valid input'
>  to any of these functions, but is a clever design to propagate the error
>  properly when ignored.  Conceptually, it seems no different from
>  'ignore-errors in common-lisp.  So really the spec is not all that far
>  away from IEEE.
> I suppose that that is true, but I don't think any Lisp programmer
> would wrap their entire programs in a ignore-errors form.  That's
> usually one done on a very limited scope.  Having traps off to get
> NaN, is basically the same idea.

Wrapping code in ignore-errors is totally unnecessary.  I can insert a
specific handler within GCL's type-error mechanism to skip the error
when testing NaN depending on a global variable setting.  One question
is whether such a setting governing skipping a lisp error should be the
same as or distinct from the setting enabling hardware traps.

>  As for common-lisp types, the obvious path is what GCL and others
>  currently implement, double precision NaN is of type 'long-float and
>  hence 'number.  This actually means that lisp will *stray* from IEEE and
> I think one thing that confuses me, is that for gcl, single-float =
> double-float = double precision.  short-float is single precision.  I
> think long-float is double-precision.  I think all other lisps have
> single-float = single precision, double-float = double precision.
> Short-float is usually the same as single-float.  Long-float is
> usually double-float, if they don't have a separate long-float (like
> clisp).
> So whenever you say long-float, I sometimes think of actual
> long-floats like clisp, but you're actually talking about
> double-precision floats.

Thanks, this needs to be cleaned up.  I think single-float should be
short-float (e.g. 4 bytes).

I suppose in principle each of these could be distinct, long-float could
be long double, supported on most machines, and short float could be a
new 16bit float :-).  It looks like the next GCL version will be able to
pass 4 unboxed arguments of the same size on 64bit machines, 'object'
(e.g. void *), unsigned long, double, and float complex.  I have space
in the argument descriptor for 4 such formats, but on 32bit machines, we
only have three useful ones, given the absence of 'short float complex'.

Take care,
Camm Maguire                                        camm@maguirefamily.org
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah


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