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[gforth] Gforth's fsl-util.*

From: David Kuehling
Subject: [gforth] Gforth's fsl-util.*
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 13:01:31 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.4 (gnu/linux)


I've recently come to using the FSL (Forth scientific library)
matrix/array support that ships with Gforth as fsl-util.4th.

A few comments/questions about that:

 * Gforth CVS contains two files, fsl-util.4th and fsl-util.fs where
   fsl-util.fs seems to be the more recent version, however only only
   fs-util.4th is installed.  Is that by mistake?

 * Both files suffer from printing out text to stdout during loading,
   even with WARNINGS OFF, which makes them somewhat unusable from
   scripts that need well-defined (machine-readable) output.  (Though
   there's a workaround [1])

 * The Vector/Matrix indexing operators '}' and '}}' have quite some
   overhead when implemented in Forth.  What about adding them as
   primitives?  (I volunteer for the job unless there're objections).



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