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Re: [gforth] x and y words exposed

From: David Smith
Subject: Re: [gforth] x and y words exposed
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019 11:26:22 -0700

I have had a similar experience with the word g. Yesterday I meant g to be
a certain function I was graphing, but I had not yet implemented it when I
ran the program. It was quite a surprise to see VI opened and displaying
Gforth source files. Apparently g is a text editing command.

On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 11:19 AM Ethan Gardener <address@hidden> wrote:

> i've been defining variables x y z in my startup file for a while now, but
> recent versions of gforth report a redefinition warning for x and y.
> ("recent" is from late 2018, perhaps october.)  the conflicting definition
> for x is reported to be:
>     current/unix/jni-helper.fs:80:1
> line 81 conflicts with y.
> i'm surprised at such short names being globally exposed, especially from
> something which seems quite optional; the comment at top of file reads,
> "show/hide keyboard using jni tools".  should i care about this?  is the
> only problem the untidy warning on startup, or could it hinder my use of
> jni features?  if i ever get that far. :)

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