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Re: [Glms-hackers] GLMS @ freeedem

From: Nicolas Pettiaux
Subject: Re: [Glms-hackers] GLMS @ freeedem
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 09:25:27 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

Le Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 09:10:00AM +0100, Rudy Gevaert a écrit :
> nrken 25

could you please help with the translation of the pages anbd maybe expedition 
of info
to let flemisch teachers know about freeedem.

If you know people who could speak, there is some space left and I'll add that 
yo the program

I have already 2 people (you and kit) who speak flemsich and my introductin 
will also be in flemisch

CObaco could speak about SkoleLinux in flemisch

Please see with address@hidden (Peter Dens) and any other people you can think 
of. We need help to 
welcome well the flemisch speaking people

we shall have a dedicated demo space in flemisch if you guys can have people to 
man it.

Nicolas Pettiaux, docteur en Sciences - Tel:+32.496.24.55.01 - Association francophone des utilisateurs de linux et des logiciels 
libres - Organization for free software in education and teaching - Garantir le droit à la copie privée et à l'interopérabilité
Des logiciels et des ressources libres pour tous-Free software and resources 
for all

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