"Peer rejected" is seen if there is a volume configuration mismatch
between peers. Can you check if there is a mismatch in volume
configuration between the two sets of peers?
I have checked the volumes "info" files following Krishnan's advice
and they seem to have the same data, though oddly not exactly in the
same place, e.g. some have auth.allow above rpc.auth-allow and it's
counterpart info files from other servers have it the other way
around, but the values are identical. Aren't these files supposed to
be 100% the same?
Other than this, the volume files on all servers have port=0 for the
bricks that are on the "rejected" peers.
So it's hard to say which is the "right" set of servers and on which
I should execute the instructions from
I'm afraid not to make this even a bigger disaster.