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M2Unit? (was Re: Unicode I/O for GM2)

From: Alice Osako
Subject: M2Unit? (was Re: Unicode I/O for GM2)
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 00:01:38 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Gaius Mulley:
Alice Osako <> writes:

Gaius, I have to thank you for your explanation of how to output UTF-8
to the console. It works exactly as intended so far as I can tell.
you're welcome - I was both relieved and surprised to see the Euro glyph
appear on the terminal!
I can see that being the case, yes. As of now, my Console test has the following output:
 0: 'a' [U+0061] is a valid codepoint; is a printable ASCII character; is in the BMP. -> 97 -> 'a'  1: 'a' [U+0061] is a valid codepoint; is a printable ASCII character; is in the BMP. -> 97 -> 'a'  2: 'a' [U+0061] is a valid codepoint; is a printable ASCII character; is in the BMP. -> 97 -> 'a'  3: 'Ġ' [U+0120] is a valid codepoint; is not a printable ASCII character; is in the BMP. -> 288 -> 'Ġ'  4: 'Á' [U+00C1] is a valid codepoint; is not a printable ASCII character; is in the BMP. -> 193 -> 'Á'  5: 'Á' [U+00C1] is a valid codepoint; is not a printable ASCII character; is in the BMP. -> 193 -> 'Á'  6: 'Ł' [U+0141] is a valid codepoint; is not a printable ASCII character; is in the BMP. -> 321 -> 'Ł'  7: '�' [U+FFFD] is a valid codepoint; is not a printable ASCII character; is in the BMP. -> 65533 -> '�'  8: '𐐁' [U+10401] is a valid codepoint; is not a printable ASCII character; is not in the BMP. -> 66561 -> '𐐁'  9: '𐐁' [U+10401] is a valid codepoint; is not a printable ASCII character; is not in the BMP. -> 66561 -> '𐐁' 10: '�' [U+FFFD] is a valid codepoint; is not a printable ASCII character; is in the BMP. -> 65533 -> '�' 11: '!' [U+0021] is a valid codepoint; is a printable ASCII character; is in the BMP. -> 33 -> '!' 12: 'ธ' [U+0E18] is a valid codepoint; is not a printable ASCII character; is in the BMP. -> 3608 -> 'ธ'
Passes: 39
Fails:  0

I specifically added the last one (THAI CHARACTER THO THONG) because it was mentioned in Chris Lilley's original code as an example codepoint, and I could easily use the known codepoint value to confirm that the translations worked as intended.
This test, along with three others, can be found at

The accompanying Makefile has targets for each of these.

However, having to write unit tests manually has led me to considering writing an xUnit framework for Modula-2, to the point where I have set up a repo for such a project.

However, this is a major undertaking, and more importantly, I have no idea of how to implement such a framework. I suspect I will be studying the problem, and existing solutions, for at least a few weeks before I can even consider coding on it.
Any advice on this process would be appreciated.

PS: I have reached out to Chris Lilley about the UNICODE project fork, and he has no problem with what I have done. I've just sent an email asking him about possibly re-licensing it as LGPL, and await his reply.

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