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Re: [Gnash-dev] cross compile gnash for imx31

From: Daniel Amor Martín
Subject: Re: [Gnash-dev] cross compile gnash for imx31
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 11:53:44 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031)


Sorry about the display, is a 7" one, and the resolution is 800 x 480, the imx31 is an ARM11 so we presume that we can get a better response.

I tried gravity.swf and it runs smooth, but I'm afraid that OE has FPS debugging disabled, so I'll try recompiling it with this support.

That optimization, do you introduce it in OE? is it only for gnash or for the libraries too?

Thanks for your help, I'll try to make a video showing that gnash can run in this architecture.

Udo Giacomozzi escribió:

Hello Daniel,

Monday, December 31, 2007, 10:41:19 AM, you wrote:
DAM>  Our board has a 9" display and we have found that the speed is a bit
DAM> slow, probably related to this mix of toolchains, I'm not sure if OE is
DAM> using the hardware floating point support.

What resolution are you using? I'm using the Geode LX800 here (same as
the OE, AFAIK) and it runs relatively smooth. Some movies don't run in
realtime, but it's not bad for full screen software rendering. Maybe
try running "gravity.swf" with -d 1 and -f 1 switches and tell me what
frame rate you get.

I found that compiler optimizations (-O2) make a *huge* difference.


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