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Re: [Gnash-dev] Configuration for smartphone/ handphone

From: Rob Savoye
Subject: Re: [Gnash-dev] Configuration for smartphone/ handphone
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 18:29:40 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071115)

Azalea Wahab wrote:

> I'm doing a study on Gnash. I have installed Gnash 0.8.1 on my Fedora
> 8 successively.

  The 0.8.2 release came out recently.

> 1.What would be the best configuration to install Gnash on a
> smartphone or handphone irrespective of the processor? I'm doing a
> genaral study of comparing the requirement and resource usage between
> a desktop standalone player and smart phone/ handphone standalone
> player.

  Generically, I've found that the there is no graphics acceleration, so
you need to use the AGG renderer. Most phones run a variety of GUIs,
Gnash supports some better than others, but the phone GUI list includes
Hildon, Hiker, Qtopia, and GTK. Most of these are using Gstreamer, but I
often use ffmpeg which works too.

> 2. Will i be able to simulate the above configuration and have it
> running on a desktop for the moment because i do not have the linux
> handphone yet. If so, is it a straight forward process or anything
> that i need to adjust?

  Cross development and simulation are rarely a straight forward
process... The Trolltech Greenphone, OpenMoko, and Access Linux Platform
have simulations of the phone available. This usually includes a hacked
up version for native testing, and a qemu based versions for ARM based
testing on a "real" device. Some of these use a LiveCD, and some are
hosted as a fake "target" on the native system.

> 3. How do i  configure Gnash as a  plugin to firefox on both desktop
> and handphone?

  You can't the environments are different. Most phones are using ARM
processors, while most desktops are using Intel. Phones often have
special requirements, like GUI toolkits that are manufacture specific.
For the desktop, most people use the GTK or KDE GUI for Gnash. Phone
based browsers, don't usually use NSAPI or KPARTS, so getting an actual
plugin working may require writing code.

        - rob -

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