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RE: [Gnash-dev] I would like to see access to I/O for embedded devices

From: TJ
Subject: RE: [Gnash-dev] I would like to see access to I/O for embedded devices
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 19:59:14 -0700

Well not exactly.
What the led's are for would be on the order visually saying I need
servicing or an Infrared led flashing to say rescue me
That would be seen from a overhead security camera.

Part of the TFT lcd would show conventional vector graphics on a portion of
the screen and with some Bitmaps and another 
Designated for streaming video. For the information that will be vector
graphics such as fonts I will be able to change with a button 
Push on the device. However I want to change it from another location such
as a PC from another URL location.
Each sign would be a class and there could be hundreds of signs using the
same class.


-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Nelson [mailto:address@hidden 
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 8:57 AM
To: TJ
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Gnash-dev] I would like to see access to I/O for embedded

TJ writes:
 > I would like to have access to I/O for embedded devices
 > I am working on Digital signage using Ti OMAP35X platform I need to turn
 > lights and send bits to Character LCD's 

It sounds like you want to get a bitmap on every frame so that you can
send it to a digital sign.  Look at the "dump" gui code.  It writes
out a raw frame to disk.  Instead of writing it to disk, you would
pick out the bits and write them to some I/O port.

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