Hi Robert,
MANY thanks for starting to work on the tutorial! I agree with you when you say that a technical documentation is important as well, but for now I guess a non-technical one is even more urgent because it can give the opportunity to non-programmers to understand what this package is about and how to use it.
Otherwise, I'd suggest you to have a look at the documentation of Archimedes (it's another one of my GNU packages):
You will see that there is a LaTex file in the folder "doc" of the distribution tarball but also HTML and PDF online documentation. I would like to organize Gneural Network in the same way. The tutorial would be both in the "doc" folder and on the website. I will prepare a new section online as soon as the tutorial is ready.
One note though: please do not comment on the final part of the script which saves the output. I am already working on that to make it more general (and powerful). At the moment, the package takes for granted that the first neuron is the input neuron and the last neuron is the output of the network (i.e. the result to save). I am changing the situation so that, now, the first LAYER will be the input and the last layer will be the output of the network. This will make things waaay more powerful and useful!
I hope this helps and answers somehow to your comments/questions.
Thanks again for contributing to this project!