Thanks for doing this work come true, i and my Asus really wanna thank that :).
About including this late release of linux-libre to gNewSense repo, i support this idea. It could be included not as default but allowing the option of installing it, improving gNewSense hardware support without compromising freedom.
Good work Ali!
On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 8:05 AM, Ali Gunduz
<address@hidden> wrote:
Hello all,
As some of you may know, - after my first announcement over a month
ago - I have continued to publish newer linux-2.6.27-rc installation
packs at as they were released
from linux-libre upstream. Over time, I got slimmer, more stable and
capable kernel packs, much thanks to the user feedback. (BTW, as it
was my initial goal, I got complete hardware compatibility with Asus
Eee PC 701 and 900 models.)
Today, I published the stable 2.6.27 release and got a package
repository running for automatic updates. You can find the details at
the web site.
I just wanted to announce this and ask a further question. Would
gNewSense development consider including this package line into its
official repo as an alternative kernel?
The first problem many users face when they install gNewSense is
hardware compatibility, especially for networking. Although
gNewSense's being based on LTS along with the common sense prevents it
having the latest kernel release as its default, supporting it as an
alternative makes sense since many users feel compelled to modify the
kernel in one way or another anyway. Having this package in the
official repository would greatly simplify and _standardize_ the
solution process.
Needless to say, I would be happy to volunteer for those packages'
Happy Hacking
Ali Gunduz
gNewSense-users mailing list
Luis A. Guzmán García