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Re: Fake mode for testing AT sms-es

From: Pavel Machek
Subject: Re: Fake mode for testing AT sms-es
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 23:58:25 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i


> > Seems to me AT smses are pretty badly tested because it costs money to
> > test it. Well, with dry_run = 1 you can test without paying money to
> > your provider. Okay to commit?
> Well, I like the idea, but I don't like the implementation. Would you mind
> to add a new field to statemachine or something? I don't want to use the
> application config in the phone driver.

Why is it bad to access config from phone driver? I think we surely
will need to access config from phone drivers...

[Look at model = AT. In future, we'll probably need to know *which* at
model is it, and I don't think it is good to invent types for each
phone that is there...]
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no longer is classifiable as a democracy, but rather as a plutocracy." --hpa

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