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Small annoucement, 3310 support and question for gnokii developers from

From: Marcin Wiacek
Subject: Small annoucement, 3310 support and question for gnokii developers from stupid ;-))) Marcin....
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 21:17:53 +0200

Hi gnokii users,

I want to share with you small, but very important thing:

Mygnokii2 project is going big steps to be end for DCT3 phones. What
does it mean ? (almost ?) each important option is moved from mygnokii
and tested by me. Some less important for now (like setting ALS or
supporting all logos formats) will be very soon. For now I propose only
to make such commands just to say, how (for me) should look good

Mygnokii --identify

Will show many important (IMHO) things, not only phone name and firmware

Mygnokii --getallsms

Will get all sms from phone

Mygnokii --backup file

Will backup to text file (easy to easy) pbk, calendar, wap settings,
bookmarks, smsc settings,  startup logo, operator logo, caller groups.
Text file contains both Unicode and normal texts - first can be used,
when your computer has set wrong locale and has incorrect chars. When
delete Unicode text, normal will be used during restoring (according to
locale set in computer).

Mygnokii --restore file

After making backup and editing file you can restore mentioned things
(excluding wap settings for now)

Mygnokii --sendsms TEXT destination -unicodeinput -report < file

When have in "file" text in Unicode, will be converted to default GSM
alphabet and send as sms to destination. No more error 4 known from
gnokii, because mygnokii2 will wait until network will answer (you can
of course break it)

Mygnokii --nokiatests

Want to test your phone ? ;-)))

Mygnokii --setbitmap STARTUP 3

For 3310 can set animate startup logo ;-)

If I didn't break anything, you should be able to use irda not only
under Linux, but also under win32 (it's during testing - if doesn't
work, please let me know).

Mygnokii2 can be also compiled without some phone modules. For example,
when have 9110 phone, don't compile 6110, 7110 and 6510 module.
Mygnokii2 will be so intelligent, that will also not compile driver for
fbus, irda over sockets (they're not used by 9110 module).

Project is better than mygnokii probably known by some of you. From
fresh things: I finally made 100% support for all versions of 3310. For
example pbk support works better than in Logo Manager.

For info about next released you have to subscribe my email list - full
info is there.

And what gnokii developers ? Will have 0.4.0 such things ?

Without irony now. I propose this and many other things (soon option for
making sms gate for receiving and sending, etc.). With help from some of
you probably it's possible to do it faster and better. IMHO again,
moving my old (mygnokii) source to gnokii is your wasting time.....

Pozdrowienia/Best Regards
Marcin Wiacek (mailto:address@hidden,,

mygnokii mirrors (,,

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