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Re: Building gnokii from cvs for debian - path error in rules?

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: Building gnokii from cvs for debian - path error in rules?
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 23:37:47 +0100 (CET)

On Tue, 24 Feb 2004 address@hidden wrote:

> Just a note to say that I needed to ammend $(CURDIR)debian/rules to
> build from today's cvs. in the mv and other statements the path required
> the addition of 'local' see below:  I've found that having done this,
> when installed the /usr/lib/gnokii/gnokii is a script and not a binary.
> Furthermore, I can't find the binary anywhere.

Can you make it diff -u?

>       ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-xgnokiidir=/usr --with-x --enable-nls 
> --with-bluetooth --mandir=/usr/share/man
>       mv $(CURDIR)/packaging/Debian/gnokii/usr/local/bin/gnokii 
> $(CURDIR)/debian/gnokii/usr/lib/gnokii/gnokii

I don't think local is correct here. As prefix is /usr gnokii binary
should get installed into $(CURDIR)/packaging/debian/gnokii/usr/bin

>       install -m 755 $(CURDIR)/utils/sendsms 
> $(CURDIR)/debian/gnokii/usr/local/bin/sendsms

Why install into /usr/local/bin?

>       mv $(CURDIR)/debian/gnokii-smsd/usr/local/lib/smsd/ 
> $(CURDIR)/debian/gnokii-smsd-mysql/usr/share/smsd
>       mv $(CURDIR)/debian/gnokii-smsd/usr/local/lib/smsd/ 
> $(CURDIR)/debian/gnokii-smsd-pgsql/usr/share/smsd

Again, I don't think it gets installed into local.


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