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Re: Nokia 3220 + Freebsd 6.1 + DKU-5

From: Ernesto Quiñones
Subject: Re: Nokia 3220 + Freebsd 6.1 + DKU-5
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 18:12:56 -0500

Hello Pawel i donload 0.6.13 (not the current package) and compile

the configure execute without errors


 A Linux/Unix toolset and driver for Nokia mobile phones.

 Copyright (C) 1999-2002  The Gnokii Development Team.

 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.

 See file COPYING for more details.

   Host system:        freebsd6.1
   Gnokii version:     0.6.13
   Xgnokii version:    20060127
   X (GTK) support:    yes
   Debug:              yes
   XDebug:             yes
   RLPDebug:           yes
   NLS:                yes
   IrDA:               no
   ical read support:  no
   Bluetooth:          yes
   libusb support:     yes
   Security:           no
   Build Shared Lib:   yes
   Build Static Lib:   yes
   Win32:              no
   Prefix:             /usr/local

 Type 'gmake' for compilation and then 'gmake install',
 'gmake install-suid', 'gmake install-strip' or 'gmake install-ss' to
 install gnokii. If you wish to install gnokii sgid gnokii (install-suid or
 install-ss) be sure to have 'gnokii' group in your system.

when i run make this message show me:

address@hidden make
"./", line 76: Missing dependency operator
"./", line 78: Need an operator
"./", line 89: Need an operator
"./", line 91: Need an operator
"Makefile", line 20: Need an operator
"Makefile", line 23: Need an operator
"Makefile", line 74: Need an operator
"Makefile", line 75: warning: duplicate script for target "ifdef" ignored
"Makefile", line 76: Need an operator
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue

2006/7/22, Pawel Kot <address@hidden>:

On 7/23/06, Ernesto Quiñones <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hello Pawel
> i donwload the lastest source from CVS and make step by step the guide
> to compile

Please try the release version (0.6.13). You will skip this step.

take care,
Pawel Kot

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