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RE: character conversion problem - using gn_send_sms

From: Faludi Gabor
Subject: RE: character conversion problem - using gn_send_sms
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 14:44:28 +0200


This actually did the magic, but I am still to do reading of messages :).

Can you also have a look at this code ? I was copied from gnokii direct but
don't seem to work . Again gnokii itseld works just fine . 
Problem is w/ getsms function that don't seem to give back anything .


-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of Daniele
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 10:55 PM
To: Discussion forum for gnokii users.
Subject: Re: character conversion problem - using gn_send_sms

Gabor Faludi wrote:

> i have tried to built a a simple sms sending application to see how 
> the API works ,and i am struggling to be able to send hungarian 
> (accented characters). Instead of these chars i receive ??-s the rest is

if you use gnokii --savesms then can you read back the text correctly with
--getsms and on the phone?

If gnokii works for you, your problem might be here:

70:   if (!gn_char_def_alphabet(sms.user_data[0].u.text))
71:   sms.dcs.u.general.alphabet = GN_SMS_DCS_UCS2;

because sms.user_data[0].u.text is zeroed until:

77:   strcpy((char*)sms.user_data[0].u.text, text);

after rearranging the code, it works for me


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