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RE: AW: gnokii smsd startup script & MySQL server has gone away error

From: Ari A
Subject: RE: AW: gnokii smsd startup script & MySQL server has gone away error
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 20:41:10 +0300


It should be fixed by only connecting the daemon to the database if the
daemon need it.
Ok, that enlarge the connection rate, but thats better then a disconnected
daemon (and lost sms).
I Agree. Depending the amount of incoming messages, the connection should be open for certain time after last message. It would better way to smsd close the connection and then open it when needed.

Ok, a good workaround certainly that isn't a final solution (my opinion).
Agree with this also. The best solution would be to check the connection, and if it is not ok, then open it again and proceed with the saving.

I also made a change to y smsd: the messages are deleted from the phone after _succesfull_ save to database. So if save fails, message is not deleted.



From: "Jens Ihnow" <address@hidden>
Reply-To: address@hidden,"Discussion forum for gnokii users." <address@hidden>
To: "'Discussion forum for gnokii users.'" <address@hidden>
Subject: AW: gnokii smsd startup script & MySQL server has gone away error
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 18:22:32 +0200

Hello Ari,

> To question number 2:
> In my case the problem was that the connection to MySQL was
> idle (silent, no
> incoming messages) too long, so MySQL disconnects the connection.

Yes, that could be the problem.

It should be fixed by only connecting the daemon to the database if the
daemon need it.
Ok, that enlarge the connection rate, but thats better then a disconnected
daemon (and lost sms).

> I solved the problem by setting "Interactive timeout" to long
> enough (one
> week in seconds). That setting can be found from network settings

Ok, a good workaround certainly that isn't a final solution (my opinion).

Best reagrds Jens

> Auftrag von Ari A
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 29. April 2007 19:06
> An: address@hidden
> Betreff: RE: gnokii smsd startup script & MySQL server has
> gone away error
> Hi all,
> I am also looking answer to question number 1.
> To question number 2:
> In my case the problem was that the connection to MySQL was
> idle (silent, no
> incoming messages) too long, so MySQL disconnects the connection.
> I solved the problem by setting "Interactive timeout" to long
> enough (one
> week in seconds). That setting can be found from network settings
> Ari

> >
> >Hello from germany,
> >
> >i am new in using gnokii and i have some questions.
> >
> >
> >1. Is there any startup script for smsd available?
> >Yes i can startup my smsd with:
> >/usr/sbin/smsd -u -p -d -c -s smsd -m mysql -l /usr/lib/smsd/ -f
> >./smsd/smsd.log -i 10 -b IN
> >
> >But this isn't a real daemon mode.
> >How did you startup and use smsd?
> >
> >
> >2. The next problem ist the "MySQL server has gone away"-Error...
> >How did you fix it?
> >
> >If the daemon lost the connection every new sms are lost in space. :(
> >Thats not the way i would use this daemon.
> >
> >
> >Thanks for your response, J.
> >

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