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Re: Gnokii getsms error in Nokia 7610

From: Daniele Forsi
Subject: Re: Gnokii getsms error in Nokia 7610
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 15:00:31 +0100

2009/1/20 Deepak Babu wrote:

>> 03 41 54 2b 43 50 4d 53 3d 22 4d 45 22 0d 0d 0a |  AT+CPMS="ME"
>> 45 52 52 4f 52 0d                               | ERROR

> I got the same error when i tried using Nokia 3110c.

that's expected behaviour using m odel=AT with the two phones you used

Why are you using AT? Nokia put a limited AT protocol in those phones.

What is wrong in the man page and in the wiki where it says:

You can assume that your phone is supported, however there are rare
cases that you will get very limited functionality with gnokii. If you
have a fairly modern phone you should use the following model setting
in your config file:
        - model = series40, if you have Nokia non-Symbian phone
        - model = gnapplet, if you have Nokia Symbian Series60 prior
to 3rd Edition phone
        - model = AT, for all other
        - if you have some older Nokia phone you may try using its
brand name, eg. for Nokia 6210 use model = 6210.

see if you are unsure which is the
"series" of your phones (Series 60 2nd for 7610 and Series 40 2nd for

> Can someone suggest me mobile models who were successful in receiving sms?

I can't
Daniele Forsi

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