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Re: "vacation" sms-es using nokia 6630

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: "vacation" sms-es using nokia 6630
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 13:27:57 +0200


On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 16:30, Marcelo Barbudas<address@hidden> wrote:
> I'm trying to implement a very simple setup:
>   When someone calls or sends a message to my number he should receive
> a message that says "User X has changed his phone number. The new number
> is XX, please update your address book."

Try using SMSD.

> I am implementing this on a Nokia 6630, according to the tutorial using
> gnapplet.

Symbian phone is not the best choice to with with gnokii. However for
symbian you could implement it directly on the phone. I bet there are
already that kind of apps implemeted.

> * every time i make a connection from gnokii it prompts me to accept it
> on the phone. Since I would like to make it work and forget about it
> this isn't very good.

You need to make the pairing automatic in the phone.

take care,
Pawel Kot

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