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Re: bug number about the bug in libusb-0.1-4

From: Daniele Forsi
Subject: Re: bug number about the bug in libusb-0.1-4
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 14:52:54 +0200

2012/9/24 shirish शिरीष:

> Apologies , The phone is a Nokia S40 Mobile phone Nokia introduced
> sometime back. Its a dual-sim phone. The detailed specs can be found
> here

it should work both with phonet and with dku2libusb, but dku2libusb is
preferred and the config you are using is correct:
model = series40
port = 1
connection = dku2libusb

>>>  I did
>>> blacklist it in /etc/modprobe.d/phonet.conf :-
>>> ~$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/phonet.conf
>>> blacklist cdc_phonet
>>> blacklist phonet
>> if you plugged the phone before blacklisting the module you need to rmmod 
>> them
> how ?

the usual way:
rmmod cdc_phonet
rmmod phonet
but this is only needed if you added /etc/modprobe.d/phonet.conf the
AFTER you plugged the phone and you didn't reboot (reboot isn't needed
if you use rmmod and if you need rmmod you only need it once because
then the blacklisted modules will not be loaded again)

if you still get "Couldn't open PHONET device: Device or resource
busy" then some other program is accessing the phone
Daniele Forsi

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