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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: Linus

From: Ethan Benson
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: Linus
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2003 18:15:42 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

On Sun, Oct 12, 2003 at 09:43:47PM -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 18:28, Tom Lord wrote:
> > A set of possible solutions was presented.
> We agree there :)
> > A _subset_ of those possible solutions involved creating new accounts.
> Sure, but it was also the only solution that was immediately available
> that would actually work.
> Let me see if I have all the other solutions here:
> 1) Set your umask in a login script
>   - Doesn't work at the moment, sftp doesn't run login scripts
> 2) Have ssh run a different subsystem
>   - Not implemented, and would probably be a pain to configure anyways

much more so then some would suggest, (only suggestive ive seen thus
far was the naive umask && exec sftp-server shell script), one would
have to keep track of whats being written and set umask appropriatly.
anything that just sets umask globally will fail if you have diverse
permission models.

> Also as Ethan pointed out these solutions make having different
> permission schemes on different categories/versions difficult.  And not
> to mention that neither of these work for when you want to share an
> archive in the local filesystem (no ssh involved).


> Sure, Ethan's umask scheme may not be the most beautiful thing in the
> world, but it would have the advantage of closely corresponding to the
> way traditional Unix filesystem permissions work, and would not require
> special hacks for ssh.

as i recall cvs implements my idea of propagating the permissions, not
that we care what cvs does.

Ethan Benson

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