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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] [BUG] star-merge doesn't detect some related trees

From: Bug Goo
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] [BUG] star-merge doesn't detect some related trees
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 12:45:10 +0000

Created as bug 199

On Fri Sep 24 04:04:24 2004, Aaron Bentley wrote:
If you tag twice, and then try to merge between the tagged versions, it doesn't work if FROM was tagged from a later patchlevel than MINE, even when you supply REFERENCE.

However, if you swap FROM and MINE, the merge does work.

address@hidden:~$ tla make-archive address@hidden ~/test-arch
address@hidden:~$ mkdir ab
address@hidden:~$ cd ab
address@hidden:~/ab$ tla init-tree address@hidden/foo--bar--0
address@hidden:~/ab$ tla import -S
* creating category address@hidden/foo
* creating branch address@hidden/foo--bar
* creating version address@hidden/foo--bar--0
* imported address@hidden/foo--bar--0
address@hidden:~/ab$ tla commit -s "empty commit" * auto-adding address@hidden/foo--bar--0--base-0 to greedy revision library /mnt/reiser/abentley/library
* checking for address@hidden/foo--bar--0--base-0 or earlier
* found archive revision address@hidden/foo--bar--0--base-0
* checking libraries for  address@hidden/foo--bar--0--base-0 or later
* from import revision: address@hidden/foo--bar--0--base-0
* committed address@hidden/foo--bar--0--patch-1
address@hidden:~/ab$ tla tag -S address@hidden/foo--bar--0--base-0 address@hidden/foo--bar--1
* creating version address@hidden/foo--bar--1
address@hidden:~/ab$ tla tag -S address@hidden/foo--bar--0--patch-1 address@hidden/foo--bar--2
* creating version address@hidden/foo--bar--2
address@hidden:~/ab$ tla get address@hidden/foo--bar--base-0
get: invalid revision spec (address@hidden/foo--bar--base-0)
address@hidden:~/ab$ tla get address@hidden/foo--bar--1--base-0
* ensuring library has address@hidden/foo--bar--1--base-0
* found immediate ancestor revision in library 
* patching for this revision (address@hidden/foo--bar--1--base-0)
* checking for address@hidden/foo--bar--1--base-0 or earlier
* found previous library revision address@hidden/foo--bar--1--base-0
* checking libraries for  address@hidden/foo--bar--1--base-0 or later
* found descendant revision address@hidden/foo--bar--1--base-0
* from revision library: address@hidden/foo--bar--1--base-0
* tree version set address@hidden/foo--bar--1
address@hidden:~/ab$ cd foo--bar--1--base-0/
address@hidden:~/ab/foo--bar--1--base-0$ tla star-merge --reference address@hidden/foo--bar--0 address@hidden/foo--bar--2 * auto-adding address@hidden/foo--bar--2--base-0 to greedy revision library /mnt/reiser/abentley/library
* searching ancestor revision in library in archive address@hidden
* checking for address@hidden/foo--bar--2--base-0 or earlier
* checking for address@hidden/foo--bar--0--patch-1 or earlier
* found previous library revision address@hidden/foo--bar--0--base-0
* found archive revision address@hidden/foo--bar--0--base-0
* building revision list from address@hidden/foo--bar--0--base-0 to address@hidden/foo--bar--2--base-0
* 3 entries added to revision list
* building revision list from address@hidden/foo--bar--0--base-0 to address@hidden/foo--bar--2--base-0
* 3 entries added to revision list
* building revision list from address@hidden/foo--bar--0--base-0 to address@hidden/foo--bar--2--base-0
* 3 entries added to revision list
* checking libraries for  address@hidden/foo--bar--2--base-0 or later
* from revision library (linking): address@hidden/foo--bar--0--base-0
* patching to revision: address@hidden/foo--bar--0--patch-1
* patching to revision: address@hidden/foo--bar--2--base-0
star-merge: unable to merge unrelated trees.

#doh!  Let's try the other way around...

address@hidden:~/ab/foo--bar--1--base-0$ cd ..
address@hidden:~/ab$ tla get address@hidden/foo--bar--2--base-0
* ensuring library has address@hidden/foo--bar--2--base-0
* checking for address@hidden/foo--bar--2--base-0 or earlier
* found previous library revision address@hidden/foo--bar--2--base-0
* checking libraries for  address@hidden/foo--bar--2--base-0 or later
* found descendant revision address@hidden/foo--bar--2--base-0
* from revision library: address@hidden/foo--bar--2--base-0
* tree version set address@hidden/foo--bar--2
address@hidden:~/ab$ cd foo--bar--2--base-0/
address@hidden:~/ab/foo--bar--2--base-0$ tla star-merge --reference address@hidden/foo--bar--0 address@hidden/foo--bar--1 * star-merge by delta(address@hidden/foo--bar--0--base-0,address@hidden/foo--bar--1--base-0)[/home/abentley/ab/foo--bar--2--base-0]
* applying changeset
A/  {arch}/foo/foo--bar/foo--bar--1
A/  {arch}/foo/foo--bar/foo--bar--1/address@hidden
A/  {arch}/foo/foo--bar/foo--bar--1/address@hidden/patch-log
A   {arch}/foo/foo--bar/foo--bar--1/address@hidden/patch-log/base-0

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