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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] "tla build-config" question and suggestion

From: Pedro Perez
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] "tla build-config" question and suggestion
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 18:32:05 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (X11/20051013)

Andy Tai wrote:

On 4/12/06, Thomas Lord <address@hidden> wrote:
Andy Tai wrote:
On 4/12/06, Pedro Perez <address@hidden> wrote:

Apparently the extra dot in front of ./static is not an acceptable
character/path for tla.

This is a weakness in the current code and shall be fixed. (added to
the to do list...)

Sigh.   It's a security feature.   Note that it is there deliberately
(see the
call to `is_non_upwards_relative_path').  I strongly recommend that you

OK, once Tom has spoken, that's it.  I will follow Tom's suggestion
here.  Pedro, please just use the path without the dot in front.
That's why I enjoy being a member of this list. I always learn something new. Thanks.
( I will check the code for is_non_upward_relative_path ).

It would be a piss-poor feature of a revision control system if, just
out a tree in the usual way without carefully scrutinizing the config file
first, stuff could be installed where you don't expect

So question one is, is a double dot (parent directory) an illegal path
for "tla build-config" ?
Question two is, why ./lfs/. does not work but ./lfs does work?

OK, this is a case that is nice to be handled correctly as well.  (a
low-priority to do)

That's generous of you.   I wouldn't bother.   Why add code (i.e.,
sources of error, additional maintenance  burden)  just to give users the
option of typing a gratuitous no-op?


As suggested by Tom as well.

I will still go ahead and implement the check-config suggestion by
Pedro, which is useful to have.
Andy Tai, address@hidden

Thanks Tom, Andy,
Pedro Perez

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