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[NonGNU ELPA] Eldoc-Diffstat version 1.0

From: ELPA update
Subject: [NonGNU ELPA] Eldoc-Diffstat version 1.0
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2024 05:05:10 -0500

Version 1.0 of package Eldoc-Diffstat has just been released in NonGNU ELPA.
You can now find it in M-x list-packages RET.

Eldoc-Diffstat describes itself as:

  Make VCS diffstat available via eldoc

More at

## Summary:

  # eldoc-diffstat — Make VCS diffstat available via eldoc

  [![NonGNU ELPA](][NonGNU 

  This package provides a way to display VCS diffstat information via eldoc.
  It supports Git and Mercurial repositories.

  ![A screenshot showing diffstat information in the echo area of a magit-log 
buffer.](screenshot.webp "diffstat information is available in the echo area.")

  To turn on diffstat output in all supported major modes, enable
  `global-eldoc-diffstat-mode`.  You can instead also enable
  `eldoc-diffstat-mode` in individual buffers or via mode hooks.

  Adapted from Tassilo Horn's 2022 blog post “[Using Eldoc with Magit


## Recent NEWS:

## 1.0 (2024-12-14)

- `eldoc-diffstat` is now available on [NonGNU ELPA][].
- `eldoc-diffstat-setup` has been replaced by a minor mode
  `eldoc-diffstat-mode`; there's also a globalized minor mode
  `global-eldoc-diffstat-mode` that (by default) will turn on diffstat output in
  all supported major modes.
- `eldoc-diffstat-lines` can be used to truncate/pad output to a specific number
  of lines.
- When this package is loaded, relevant buffer-navigating commands in magit
  buffers are set up to trigger eldoc.


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